Year 6 creating questions using Blooms Taxonomy
Children held a formal debate about the pros and cons of deforestation.
Hot air balloon debate - part 2.
Children took on characters and were sailing on a hot air balloon when they were struck by bad weather. They had to present arguments as to why they should not be thrown off the balloon.
Children discussed and debated issues.
Children delivered a whole-school assembly to children about Eid.
Children and parents took part in a P.E. Lesson involving dance.
Children danced alongside their parents during a dance session.
We used microbit to programme an alarm
We were each given roles of people in the Agora and we had to ask each other what we were doing there.
Children discussed what the answer could be and discussed in groups
We discussed what artwork on an Ancient Greek pot might mean.
Role play to learn about who visited the Agora in Greece
Children used word processing to write similes describing the Iron Man.
Sewing the ties on a pouch
Children used the running stitch to sew a pouch.
Running stitch on binca
Children looked at title pages of the Iron Man and discussed what they thought the plot of the story would involve.
Children used word processing to research and write about the uses of soil.
Little Saint butterflies emerged during the summer holidays.
💜💛 Little Saints 2022-2023 💛💜 We have created this short video of how far our Little Saints 2-year-old classroom has come since we opened in September 2022. We started with an empty classroom to a classroom filled with awe and wonder. The reason why we do it? THE CHILDREN Our 'Little Saints' have made incredible progress within the classroom. They have been exposed to toys and resources which they have never experienced before, made new friendships and made memories which they will remember forever!
Meet Penguin....Which member of staff could it be??
Meet Hotdog..... who could it be?
This week to celebrate World Book Day, three members of staff are each reading a short snippet of a poem. But can you guess who they are? Meet Penguin 🐧 Hot Dog 🌭 and Fox 🦊 Start guessing...🔍
Following on from yesterdays video, once a child is secure with segmenting and blending simple CVC words they will then move on to independently segmenting and blending in their heads. The adult's role is to promote questioning, encourage the child to predict and discuss the setting.
The children will then move from picture books to reading simple CVC words. They will be learning to segment and blend, this involves the children saying each individual phoneme in words and then blend the phonemes together to say the word. The books will also include tricky words, these are words that cannot be phonetically sounded out. The adult sharing the story will use questioning to ensure the child understands what is happening in the pictures and what might happen next.
This week we will be posting videos to support reading at home with your child in Foundation Stage. We will begin with reading with a child in nursery. The children begin interpreting picture books. Picture books are important in developing language, naming objects, developing an understanding of what is happening in the pictures and predicting what happens next. The adult plays a important role in developing these skills as they 'read' and question throughout the story.
Miss Breed our lovely year one teacher shares her favourite story 'Owl Babies' to continue National Storytelling Week. We hope you all enjoy.
To continue National Storytelling week, Our Reception teacher Miss Reid shares her favourite bedtime story, 'Monkey Puzzle'. We hope you all enjoy!
Miss Carroll our nursery teacher shares her favourite bedtime story 'The Snail and the Whale'. We hope you all enjoy!
To celebrate National Storytelling week we are sharing a bedtime story each day. The staff want to share their favourite story with the children and what better way to start than with our amazing Head Teacher Mrs Morton. Mrs Morton shares her favourite story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. Get nice and cosy, we hope you all enjoy!
The children were asked to become the particles of states of matter. When the teacher said a state of matter, the children had to show what the particles looked like.
The class took part in an group 'online safety quiz', to check current knowledge of online safety rules.
Children writing letters to their future self detailing their hopes and goals for this year