Year 1

Year 1 RE - Hot Seat Palm Sunday

Year One Outdoor Learning - Capacity

Year One Outdoor Science Lesson - Labelling Body Parts

Year One Outdoor Learning - Labelling Body Parts

Year One PE Watch Me Learn

Year One Poetry - Question Time by Julia Donaldson

Printing Art

Year 1 - Subtraction Within 20

Measuring Maths

One to one correspondence Carpet Time

Counting to and from 20 using counters

Counting to and from 20 using cubes

Counting forwards to 20

Subtraction Smash!

Combine parts to find the whole

Year 1 - Representing Parts in Any Order

Understand that parts can be added together in any order.

Y1 Spiral Art

Y1 creating classroom map (Geography)

10 times table



KP Maths

1 more 1 less

Counting in 10s

Moon Landing Role Play

Neil Armstrong facts


Number bonds to 20

Big debate - what is love?

1:1 correspondence


Toys questions

Popper maths

Waterproof or not experiment

Big question “What is a friend?”

Science materials

Part part whole children

Part part whole modelled

Adjectives 1

2D shape outdoors

RE debate Autumn 1

Year 1 KP Poetry Recital

Year 1 KP Poetry Recital

Maths naming 3D shapes

Maths 3 D shapes

Year 1 circus poem


Non standard unit of measure outside

Non standard unit of measure



Identifying features around our school

Comparing numbers 1KP

Greater than, less than, equal to

Sorting features

Geography Features around the school

Comparing objects

One more

1KP Maths

Representing numbers

1KP Maths

Numbers as words

Year 1

The children went outside to match numbers to the amount of objects.

Year 1 rabbit meet and greet

The children in year 1 had the opportunity to ask questions about rabbits.