
Reception - Art t-shirts

RS - Maths - Colours

AR maths 3d shapes (3)

AR maths 3d shapes (2)

AR maths 3d shapes (1)

AR maths 3d shapes

KT - maths - 3d shapes (1)

KT - maths - 3d shapes

3D shapes Mrs Mutarah

length CH group

2D shape AMu

AR Maths - Capacity

KT maths - Capacity

AR - Maths weight

KT - Maths Weight


repeating patterns 4

QR code numbers to 5 (2)

Maths numbers to 5 (1)

AR maths group - Sharing

KT maths group - Sharing

Repeating patterns 2

Repeating patterns 1 2024

Counting to 10 - KT maths group

Counting to 30 - KT group

Counting to 10 - KT group

CH maths group - positional language

SC maths group - Positional Language

KT - Maths - Positional Language

AR - Maths - Subtraction Lesson

CH maths group 10/06/24

SC maths group identifying equal and non-equal groups

CH maths group - subtraction facts

KL maths group - Comparing groups using language same, greater / less than

KL maths group - composition to 5

SC maths group - subtraction 15.04.24

SC maths group - subtraction 15.04.24

CH maths group - identifying odd and even numbers

AR maths group - Odd and even

SC maths group - composition of 10

SC maths group exploring ways of making 8

CH group recalling number bonds to 5

SC group - number bonds to 5

CH maths group - finding ways of making 5

KT ordering numbers to 6

SC maths group - identifying doubles up to 6

KL maths group - composition of 5

Miss Thorpe's Phonics group sharing what their jellybean tasted of

CH maths group sorting triangles and circles

KT maths group sorting circles and triangles

SC group sorting circles and triangles

KL teaching group sorting circles and triangles

KL maths group - sharing amounts between two groups

KL group sharing between two groups

CH maths groups sharing between 2 groups

SC maths group sharing equal/unequal groups

Reception have been learning to identify equal and unequal groups. The children rolled the dice and shared the amount between two groups.