Year 5

Year 5 - Is the Earth Flat?

Year 5 Poetry Recital Spring 2025

5EJ Spring 1 Big Question debate - Should everyone be treated the same?

Autumn 2 Big Debate

5EJ Malamander Dialogue

5LW Malamander dialogue

5EJ Big Question debate October 2024

Year 5 TAPs investigation - Autumn 2024-25

Year 5 2024-25 Together as one PHSE song

5LW 2024-25 Gears and Levers

Yr 5 2024-2025 Gyrocopters

5EJ Gyrocopters - Air resistance experiment

Year 5 debate - history

What area of learning from the Ancient Islamic Civilisation has had the greatest impact on life today?

Year 5 - Science TAPs experiment - research and present information

5LW - Narrative Launch Crime Scene

Year 5 - is the Earth flat?

Year 5 Anglo-Saxon Jewelry

5LW Anglo Saxon artefacts

Hoy es Navidad - Christmas concert 2023

5BP Big question

Are friends for life?

5LW big question - Are friends for life?

5EJ PPA TAPs Sugar Cube experiment

5LW Humanism debate

5LW - RE debate

5EJ Humanism debate

In RE we have been learning about Humanism. Today we have discussed the impact it might have on someone if someone has done something to upset them. We then had a debate about whether we needed to follow the rules of a religion in order to be a good person. The children discussed that in most cases this was the case but Humanist’s do not follow a God or religion but they still choose to do good.

Year 5 Macbeth

5LW maths class - subtraction

5BP/5EJ Big Question Debate

5BP/5EJ Big Question

5LW Debate

The big question “can doing something bad every be good?"

Y5 watercolour

Painting Hokusai’s The Great Wave

RESPECT Scarecrow

5LW Lego WeDo

5BP Ziplines

Testing air resistance by making our own ziplines

5BP Gears

5EJ Investigating zip lines!

Year 5 Gears

5BP Maths class roman numerals

Today in Maths we used outdoor materials to represent Roman Numerals

5LW Investigating ziplines!

5BP Testing Air Resistance

Making gyrocopters to test the force of air resistance

5LW Air resistance investigation

5EJ Gyrocopters and air resistance

5LW Testing Friction

5EJ Testing Friction

During todays lesson we used Newton meters to measure the amount of friction our shoes created.