Year 3

3BB Iron Man similes

Children used word processing to write similes describing the Iron Man.

3BB Textiles

Sewing the ties on a pouch

3BB textiles making a pouch

Children used the running stitch to sew a pouch.

Design and Technology-textiles

Running stitch on binca

3BB the Iron Man-inferring from title pages

Children looked at title pages of the Iron Man and discussed what they thought the plot of the story would involve.

3BB Science and ICT - word processing

Children used word processing to research and write about the uses of soil.

3DT dirt pudding

3BB Science - sorting rocks

Children looked at different types of rocks and sorted them under igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

3BB Science - Exploring rocks

Children used magnifying glasses to look at different rocks.

3BB Religious Education-Hinduism

Children looked at and discusses religious artefacts from the Hindu faith.

3BB Scientific research

Children researched information about the rock cycle and completed a diagram with information.

3BB Religious discussion

Children explained what their special place is and what makes it special.

3DT big debate buildings

3BB poetry

Children performed a poem by Pie Corbett.

3BB art




3BB art


3BB artweek

Art activities.

3BB art

Art week


Created masterpieces from nature.

3BB Art Week

Children used natural resources, such as twigs, leaves and pine cones to create pieces of art.

3DT where do you get your ideas?

3BB Stone Age

Stone Age workshop

3BB Stone Age workshop

Making Stonehenge

3BB Stone Age workshop

Children worked in groups to carry out activities from the Stone Age.

3BB History-reading pictures

Children worked in small groups to look at an image and infer what life was like in the Stone Age.

3BB History

Generating historical questions-children used question stems to create questions about an artefact.

Stone Age

Fishing, hunting, making tools, making spears, cloth making

Stone Age workshop

Hunting for food

Stone Age workshop

Year 3 children travelled back in time to the Stone Age where they took part in many different activities.

Subtracting 10s

Is electricity a good thing?

3BB Discussion- the benefits and harm of electricity

Children talked about how electricity could be useful and how it could cause harm.

3BB Stone Age drama

Children read the Stone Age Boy and then travelled back in time to enact a scene from the Stone Age.

Subtracting 1s

3 BB Religious debate -the importance of water in our lives

Children discussed how important water is in our lives, ways in which it can be useful and ways in which it can cause harm.

3BB Conscience Alley

Children took on the role of Charlie’s conscience and helped him to decide whether he should buy a second chocolate bar - “Charlie and the chocolate Factory.

3BB discussion/debate

Children read “Charlie and the Chocolate factory” and debated what Charlie should do with the 50p that he finds.

3BB Where does food come from?

Children worked in pairs or small groups to look at pictures of food and decide where they are grown - the UK or abroad.

3BB food technology-food hygiene

Children worked in small groups to discuss food hygiene and hazards in the kitchen.

3BB Food technology -picking out the features of instructional writing

Children looked at two recipes on how to make fruit salad, identified the features included in a recipe and then talked about which recipe was the best and why.

3BB Food Technology 2

Children made fruit salad using a variety of fruits.

3BB Food technology 1

Children made fruit salad using a variety of fruits. They chopped, peeled, used knives to dice and peelers to peel apples.

3DT big debate - water

Adding 10s

Adding 1s

3BB Mosque visit

Children visited Tunstall Mosque to learn about prayer.

3BB Mosque visit

Children visited the mosque and the guide recited prayers in Arabic.

3BB Poetry Recital

Children recited poetry and added actions - the poem was about living in the countryside versus living in the city.

3DT conscience alley

3BB Religious Education - visit a mosque 2

Children visited Tunstall Mosque.

Religious Education-visit to mosque 1

Children visited the local Tunstall Mosque to learn about how Muslims pray.

3 BB Science strength of magnets part 2

Children explored the strength of different magnets.

3 BB Science-strength of magnets

Children worked in groups to explore which magnet was the strongest -which magnet held the most paper clips.

3BB Science-magnetic and non-magnetic

Children explored whether objects/materials were magnetic or non-magnetic and completed a table of results.

3BB Group 6 Friction investigation

Children investigated at what height a car moved when rolling down a wooden surface.

3BB Group 5 Friction investigation

Children investigated at which height a car moved when rolling down a board covered in bubble wrap.

3BB Group 4 Friction investigation

Children investigated at what height the car moved when rolling down a rough carpet.

3BB Group 3 Friction investigation

Children investigated at what height a car moved when rolling down a smooth carpet.

3BB Group 2 - Friction investigation

Children investigated at what height the car moved when rolling down a glass surface.

3BB Group 1 Friction investigation

Children investigated at what height the car moved when rolling down a surface covered in sponge.

3BB Science - sorting objects

Children looked through pictures of objects and sorted them according to whether they rolled, bounced or slid.

3BB Islamic objects used during prayer

Children discussed Islamic objects that are used during prayer. In each group, there were ‘experts’ who were able to talk about the importance of each object.

3BB Map drawing

Children visited Tunstall Town Square and then came back into school to draw a map of the buildings and shops within the Square.

3DT conscience alley


3BB Big Question What makes places special?

Big debate 3DT

Year 3 art exhibition

3DT poem




Counting in 50s

Finding 1,10 or 100 more or less

Making hundreds

Settlements hot seating

Map jigsaw

Map drawing BB

Map drawing

Number line

3BB Using question stems

A group of children used question stems to craft historical questions

3BB Field trip - Cannock Chase

Children found natural resources from the environment around them to create a tree - roots, stem, leaves, flowers.

Field work - Year 3 Visit to Cannock Chase Forest

Children went to the forest in Cannock Chase as part of their learning about rainforests. They took part in pond dipping to see which living creatures live in the pond.

3BB Discussion - the pros and cons of deforestation

Children looked at some statements and discussed whether they were for or against deforestation, and grouped them accordingly.

3BB Weather report 2

Children researched the weather in different rainforests, and then wrote and delivered a weather report.

3BB Weather report - Rainforest 1

Children researched the weather in different rainforests, and then, wrote and delivered a weather report.

3AH-Rainforest weather forecast 2

3AH-Rainforest weather forecast

3BB Lego Spike

Children used Lego to create a product and used coding to instruct it to move.

3BB ICT Coding

Children created instructions to communicate with computers.

3BB History - asking questions about artefacts

Children looked at seals from the Indus Valley Civilisation and generated questions, in small groups.

3BB Indus Valley 2

Children presented one point that they had learnt after looking at pictures of life in the Indus Valley.

3BB History-The Indus Valley

Children looked at pictures of what life would have been like in the Indus Valley . They looked for clues and , after discussion in small groups, they wrote down what the pictures revealed.

3AH- Collecting information from pictures of the Indus valley civilisation

Children worked in groups to infer from pictures of the Indus Valley Civilisation.

3BB Design and Technology-making a pouch to hold seeds

Children cut out and stitched a pouch together. This project was as part of their Stone Age to Iron Age topic. The pouch was made to hold seeds by the hunter gatherers.

3BB Science - exploring the roots of a plant

Children used magnifying glasses to look closely at the roots of a plant.

3BB Science-life-cycle of a plant

Children worked in pairs to arrange a set of cards into the life-cycle of a plant.

3BB Speech 2

Children made a speech about the reason why the day that Jesus died is called Good Friday.

3BB Speech-Good Friday 1

Children wrote a speech about why the day Jesus died is called Good Friday and then they presented it to the class.

3AH SPEECH - spring

3BB Science-plants

Children used the internet to find information about the different parts of the plant, and the function of each part.

3AH- why are roots important?

3AH- importance statements about plants

3AH British Science Week - time

3BB Science Week Investigation- Time

Children created some water clocks, using empty water bottles, bottle tops and water.

3BB Science-Plants

Children worked in pairs to create a diamond nine outlining the reasons why plants are important - ranging from the most important to the least important.

3BB The Last Supper 2

Children discussed the painting of the Last Supper and generated some questions.

3BB Religious Education - The Last Supper

Children are learning about the Easter Story. They worked in pairs to look at a painting of the Last Supper and generated questions around the Image.

3BB Design and Technology - Textiles

Children developed their sewing skills - threading a needle, using the running stitch, sorting out mistakes, etc.

Year 3 Stone Age Workshop

Children designed and made mini henges.

Year 3 History workshop

Children moved the pieces to build Stonehenge.

Year 3 Stone Age Workshop 2

Children built fences, they made houses, dressed up, sharpened tools, and had fun alongside consolidating their learning.

Year 3 Prehistory Workshop

Feedback from children on the tasks they had completed

Year 3 pre history workshop

Children were fortunate enough to consolidate their learning on Stone Age to Iron Age by inviting a workshop - Past Presents - into the school. For the day, children became Stone agers as they travelled back in time and completed many tasks which were important at that time - grinding grains into flour, lighting sparks, decorating a home, searching for mushrooms, looking at arrowheads, and making tools. Children thoroughly enjoyed the day and took part in the many activities happily and with enthusiasm.

3AH- Stone Age Workshop

Today, Year 3 had a workshop to support their learning of the Stone Age. We learnt about the different periods and how people used to live. We looked at hunting, cooking and how they would dress.

3BB the Iron Man role play

Children read the first chapter and the second chapter of the Iron Man by Ted Hughes’s and then acted out a scene when Hogarth returns home to tell his parents that he has seen the Iron Man. After acting out the scene, children wrote a conversation between the three characters.

The Iron Man- chapter 1 roleplay

3AH are acting out the scene of when Hogarth returns home to tell his parents that he spotted the Iron Man.

3AH- Exploring and inferring from the the Iron Man front cover

3AH- Exploring and inferring from the the Iron Man front cover

3AH - Exploring and inferring from the the Iron Man front cover

3BB The Iron Man

Children worked in groups of 3 to look at different versions of the Iron Man covers and to infer what the story is about.

3BB Internet safety group work

Children worked with partners to discuss how to stay safe while using the internet.

3BB Internet safety discussion

Internet safety day - Children looked at internet safety and how to be safe on-line.

3BB Science-layers of the earth part 2

Children used food to create the different layers of the earth.

3BB Science -layers of the earth Part 1

Children used food to create the different layers of the earth.

3BB religious debate

Children discussed the question - is lying ok in some situations - and offered their thoughts.

3BBICT lesson

Children used Lego to build a cave car and then used ICT to make the car light up.

3BB Religious Education

Children worked in pairs and travelled to different stations to learn about the different Hindu gods.

3BB science lesson - exploring rocks

Children worked in pairs, small groups to look at rocks, what they are called and what properties they have.

Stone Age- Roleplay

3AH were put into groups and allocated a task: making fire, making tools, using tools, preparing and using animal skins, preparing and cooking food, hunting/ fishing - these relate to pages 16 and 17 of Stone Age Boy. Children looked at the images and create a group tableau of them doing that particular task. Children used freeze/action to bring the piece to life and the magic microphone to interview characters.

Debate: Whether life before electricity was a good/bad thing

3AH debated whether life before electricity was better.

Name and Action game

3AH were naming and acting out everyday tasks and considering whether it would need electricity. Then, we discussed how these activities differ from the Stone Age.

3BB History role play-life in a StoneAge village

Children enacted the jobs carried out by Stone Age people, and brought the village of prehistory to life.

3BB Discussion-a world without electricity

Children held a discussion outlining the reasons why a world without electricity would be a good thing or a bad thing.

3BB Excavators of the past-discussing artefacts

Children worked in pairs/small groups to generate questions about artefacts -stone-age arrow heads.

3BB Design and Technology

Making fruit salad

3BB Food Technology

Children talked about the new skills they had gained from their food technology session.

3BB Food Technology

During their Design and Technology Lesson, children made fruit salad. They looked at how to use equipment carefully, and how to keep everything clean - surfaces, food and themselves. Children also learnt to chop, dice, peel, use a grater, use a knife and mix the ingredients.

What makes us human

Children explored the notion of what makes us human during a session of religious debate and discussion.

Autumn 2: The Big Question 3AH- What makes us human?

Year 3 watch me learn PE session - dance - part 2

Children worked alongside their parents to create and perform a fantastic dance routine.

Year3 watch me learn PE session-dance

Children learned dance routines alongside their parents - part 1.

3BB labelling the parts of the human anatomy part 2

Children worked in small groups to label the parts of the human body - organs, features, bones and joints - as part of our science - exploring the function and the make-up of the human skeleton.

3BB drawing and labelling the parts of the human skeleton part 1

Children worked in small groups to draw around a child before labelling the different parts -organs, features and bones - of the human body. This session was the launch to our science topic exploring the human skeleton and what functions it serves.

3AH- Labelling a Skeleton

Today, 3AH labelled the bones of a skeleton.

3BB Conscience alley

Should Charlie Bucket buy another chocolate bar with the 50p?

3AH Conscience Alley

3AH devised a conscience alley to deliver the thoughts of Charlie when he found the 50p coin.

3AH 50p debate

3AH held a debate about what Charlie should have done with the 50p coin that he found.

Debate-should he or shouldn’t he?That is the question

A debate to discuss what Charlie Bucket should do with the 50p coin that he finds.

3BB Art

Children drew on material and then painted their artwork.

3BB Art

Children sketched different types of homes, onto material and then painted them.

3BB religious education debate

What does it mean to be kind - debate and discussion

Y3BB poetry recrial

We recited a poem we wrote as a class

3AH: The Big Question: What makes a person kind?

For the final R.E lesson, children discussed what makes a person kind.

3AH- Crazy City vs Cool Countryside

During Poetry Week, 3AH wrote a poem comparing the busy life of the city to the more laid-back life in the countryside. We used a rhyme scheme, created rhythm and included imagery. Then, we added actions to our poem and performed it.

Year 3 visited a local mosque

Year 3 visited a local mosque

Exploring the strength of magnets

The children were exploring the strength of magnets

Exploring magnetism

The children had different materials and magnets to investigate which materials were magnetic

Human and physical features

The children were finding physical and human features of our locality

A visit to the mosque

Today, 3AH visited the local mosque to learn about Islam and the importance of prayer for muslims. The children had the opportunity to look at different artefacts, discuss the different prayers, look at the different rooms in the mosque and were also able to try out the different prayer positions.

Investigating Friction with 3BB

We were investigating how a car travels on different surfaces.

Testing the strength of different magnets

3AH were investigating which magnet held the most paperclips to find the strongest magnet.

Investigating Friction

I can investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.