3AH were put into groups and allocated a task: making fire, making tools, using tools, preparing and using animal skins, preparing and cooking food, hunting/ fishing - these relate to pages 16 and 17 of Stone Age Boy. Children looked at the images and create a group tableau of them doing that particular task. Children used freeze/action to bring the piece to life and the magic microphone to interview characters.
3AH were investigating which magnet held the most paperclips to find the strongest magnet.
Today, 3AH visited the local mosque to learn about Islam and the importance of prayer for muslims. The children had the opportunity to look at different artefacts, discuss the different prayers, look at the different rooms in the mosque and were also able to try out the different prayer positions.
I can investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.
The children were finding physical and human features of our locality
We were investigating how a car travels on different surfaces.
The children had different materials and magnets to investigate which materials were magnetic